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Leslie Murray, author, lesbian fiction, Sharpshooter

Fiction About

Gay Women

After 9/11, an experimental branch of the U.S. government has been tasked with the mission of proactively putting a stop to terrorism. They have sent a team to eliminate a financier responsible for funding the worst of these organizations. Everything is going according to plan.


Until it's not.


The team is ambushed, and when the mission is looking its darkest, it goes from bad to worse. Former Marine scout sniper Seven Michelis is a black ops sharpshooter now injured and on the run for her life. Peace Corps volunteer Dr. Jenny MacKenzie defies good sense and sets out to help a stranger in need. What she finds is something else entirely.


From the rugged foothills of the Andes through the dense forests of the Amazon river basin, Seven and Jenny fight to survive the perils of being hunted through Bolivia by a killer hell bent on homicide. Who can they trust, and what fresh hell awaits them if and when they make it home? Will they survive long enough to explore their growing attraction?

Sharpshooter, Novel, Leslie Murray, lesbian, action adventure romance

A mission gone horribly wrong.


A vicious killer who will stop at nothing.


Two women

on the run for their very lives.


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Leslie Murray, Author, Writer, Lesbian fiction, Sharpshooter

Leslie Murray was born in Flint, Michigan,  to Canadian parents. She was the youngest of five children, and according to them the most spoiled by far. According to her, it was well deserved. She spent her younger years playing the flute in band,  skateboarding, jumping ramps on her bike and participating in sports of every kind. She never owned a Barbie.


As a teen, Leslie moved to Texas with her  family and quickly discovered the dangers of the jalapeno, South Padre Island sunburn, and fishbowl sized margaritas.


She spent her college years at Texas Christian University (Go Frogs!) where she majored in Journalism. This led to a career as copywriter and eventually creative director in the print advertising/marketing industry.


Leslie's debut novel, Sharpshooter, will be released by Sapphire Books Publishing in the fall of 2014.


She lives in South Florida with her partner of 26 years, Cindy, and her tenacious Westie, Biscuit.

About Leslie

Left Coast Lesbian Conference, Sapphire Books, LCLC

LCLC 2014

October 8-12 in Palm Springs, California


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